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PassengersRights.eu is an entrepreneur in processing legal cases automatically. PassengersRights.eu has developed complex process and data management systems which ensure that all important facts are collected for each individual case.

The background of the business is the fact that customers have many rights (de jure) but it is often hard to claim those rights de facto. This is particularly apparent for cases with low dispute value for which customers prefer to avoid the time and risk involved in legal actions. Additionally, lawyers tend not to focus on single cases with low dispute value. The fact that the jurisdiction of the applicable flight and travel law might be that of a foreign country just increases the complexity for customers to claim successfully. It does not make economical sense for a German customer to make a claim for a flight delay in Spain; just the notary letter of authorization which is necessary to hire a Spanish lawyer and the time to find a good lawyer could eat up any compensation which might possibly be claimed.

The work of PassengersRights.eu fulfills the real need of customers and lawyers by pre-processing legal cases with the help of process management and automation. The customer can be ensured that his case will be handled in an absolutely professional manner, even if the dispute value is low. The lawyer will receive pre-processed data with all of the facts and can focus on the legal part without needing to do any further research on the basic facts of the case or having to contact the customer.

Due to the high quality of the PassengersRights.eu process and our database it is possible to work for customers on a "no win = no fee" basis. This means that if a case is lost, PassengersRights will bear all costs for lawyer fees and the customer is not charged at all.


PassengersRights was started with the soul mission of helping air passengers to claim compensation under EU regulation 261/2004 for cancelled or delayed flights while educating passengers about their flight rights along the way. In doing so, it makes it much more difficult for airlines to flee air passengers by providing fake reasons or excuses. PassengersRights also assures you a hassle-free and quality service, allowing you to claim your compensation at ease.

If your flight has been delayed or cancelled while you are travelling within Europe, flying with an EU registered flight and you want to claim reimbursement for the distress the airline has caused you, all you have to do is provide us with your flight details and our compensation recovery team will work with various other teams to collect data so that everything goes smoothly. Our team has access to all vital flight information such as the time by which the flight is delayed, the reason for flight cancellation, flight departure and arrival time, etc. making us more likely to win the compensation.

We automatically decide about the place of jurisdiction for you. If we know for example that a specific court makes very "airline friendly" decisions, we will automatically direct your case to another court. As we cooperate with law firms in all major European countries we can make decisions regarding the courts with the support of a huge international base


Claim your compensation now: quick, easy and custom-made